Wind conditions Showing wind direction and speed for the beginning and end of the forecast period e.g | |
|  | Indicates the likelihood and intensity of any thundery activity during the forecast period.  |
| |  | Indicates the MAXIMUM UV index value for the forecast period. |
0 | Little chance of thundery activity | 0 - 2 | | Low risk of any skin damage. |
1 | Thundery activity possible |
2 | Thundery activity probable | 3 - 5 | | Medium to High risk of damage to fair skin types. |
3 | Short lived T-Storms possible |
4 | Short lived T-Storms probable | 6 -7 | | High risk of damage to fair skin types. Medium risk of damage to darker skin types. |
5 | ModerateT-Storms possible |
6 | Moderate T-Storms probable |
7 | Mod to Severe T-Storms possible | 8 - 10 | | Very High risk of damage to fair skin types. An increasingly High risk of damage to all other skin types. |
8 | Mod to Severe T-Storms probable |
9 | Severe T-Storms possible |
10 | Severe T-Storms probable |